medicine-service-development-disinfection device-KR1000 - Medizin & Service GmbH

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KR1000 - the disinfection device for respirators

A very high level of cleanliness and germ reduction is requested on all medical devices that are used directly or invasive at the patient.
The transportable disinfection device KR1000 is a microprocessor controlled device for the disinfection of respirators, which allows you to disinfect the flow-generating assemblies and the connected air ducting systems with minimal effort. You just need to remove the gas filter of the respirator und a tube system has to be connected.
With the KR1000 you get the opportunity to ensure the required level of security for the person who needs to be ventilated. Besides the service staff is exposed to a minimum risk of contamination while repairing or maintain the respirator.
Furthermore it is possible to disinfect the returned respiratory equipment in accordance to a validated procedure before it is used again on the next patient.
By an internal online sensor system all parameters of the disinfection are permanently under control and if the limits are dropping below the minimum the disinfection is interrupted to save the disinfection process.
By recording and saving of the disinfection protocol a data protection and - control can be reached. The proof of the disinfection for the client can be realised by printing the disinfection protocol.
You can only disinfect respirators with the KR1000 that are checked from Medizin & Service GmbH regarding the compatibility. In the framework of this investigation also the disinfection class is set.
The KR1000 is undergone strict security checks. The disinfection device is conform with the standards.

Frequently asked questions

List of the validated respirators

Flyer KR1000

Flyer disinfection cabinet

certification of conformity

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